Recipe & Tips

Spanish omelette with chorizo and onion


  • 1 large onion (add another extra if like us, you LOVE onion)
  • 70 grams of Spain Iberico chorizo
  • 7 large eggs
  • 5-6 medium potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  • Sharp knife
  • Plate (to flip and serve the tortilla)
  • Frying pan (make sure the size is smaller than the plate you will use to flip the tortilla)
  • Potato peeler
  • Fork
  • Slotted spoon or spatula
  • Chopping board
  • Mixing bowl
  • Drainer


Step 1

Chop the onion into thin slices and put it in the pan with 3 tbsp of olive oil to medium-low. Add a pinch of salt and leave them until golden brown. Once ready remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon to drain excess of oil. Leave them on a side in a mixing bowl.

Step 2

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices about half centimetre. Add the remaining olive oil into the frying pan and turn the heat up to medium.

Start adding some potatoes into the frying pan, ensuring they are covered in oil so they are cooked evenly. Check the potatoes occasionally to ensure they don’t turn brown. When the potatoes are soft, check for seasoning.

Once they are cooked, remove them with the slotted spoon and put them into the drainer to avoid excess of oil again.

Repeat the above steps until all potatoes are cooked.

Step 3

Once all the potatoes are drained, put them into the mixing bowl with the onion.

Whisk the eggs slightly with a fork in order to aerate them. Add them into the other mixing bowl while the onion and potatoes mix is still warm. Mix all the ingredients and leave it to rest for a bit so the egg mix starts slightly cooking on the bowl.  

Step 4

In the meantime, dice the chorizo into small pieces and prepare the pan by removing the oil used for frying the potatoes. Reserve the oil for later.

Cook the chorizo for 10-15 seconds or until it gets a bit darker. Add the chorizo into the bowl and fold with the rest of ingredients.

Step 5

Prepare the pan again by adding 2 tsp of oil. Add the mix onto the frying pan and once the egg starts to set, fold the sides slightly inwards with a fork or spatula. As soon as you are able to ease the tortilla from the pan, it’s turn to flip your tortilla!

Step 6

Flipping a tortilla might be the most challenging part of the recipe but all you need is a bit of confidence! ????

Place a plate on top of the pan (ensure the edge of the plate is bigger than the pan). Place your hand firmly on top of the place and quickly flip the pan onto the plate.

Place the frying pan back onto the stove and drizzle with a bit more oil. Slide the tortilla, uncooked side down, back into the pan and fold the sides inwards using a fork or spatula.

If you like the inside of the tortilla runny and soft, you will only need to cook it on this side for about 2 minutes. If you prefer it more cooked, leave it for 5-7 minutes at medium-low heat.

Step 7

Give the pan a bit of a shake to make sure the bottom is not sticking and flip it back again onto the plate to serve.

Allow the tortilla to sit for at least 15 minutes before serving